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Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Dear Para Pendengar Yang Baik...

Dear Para Pendengar Yang Baik...
“Aku enggak tahu entah kenapa pulang dari liburan di kota Jogja, semangatku pudar, lenyap, menghilang. Planing yang aku tata sebaik mungkinpun tak terusik kemalasanku yang membendung tinggi dalam jiwa ini”
Aku sebenernya tahu bahkan tersadar banget tentang permasalahan yang terjadi sama gue diatas itu noh. Kesadaran itu muncul diawali dengan gejala-gejala badmood yang signifikan, pusing tujuh keliling yang menghadang, dilema seribu rokaat dan tingkat stress stadium neraka jahanam. HUFT

Gue sadar bahwasanya rasa malas yang nempel dalam diri gue akhir-akhir ini karena sebuah Kekecewaan, gue ulangin ya KEKECEWAAN titik. Yup, siapa sih yang gak akan dilema dan stres ketika kecewa dateng tanpa bilang permisi sama elo???

Pendengar yang baik, kali ini gue bener-bener pengen cerita BANGET gue bingung sebenernya gue pengen nulis tapi berhubung gue lagi badmood gini jadinya gue tetep nulis tapi tentang curhatan pribadi gue. Bodo amat lah yaaaaa. Oia ini juga akan menjadi bahan penelitian gue seberapa banyak sih typically pendengar baik di Indonesia ini???

Langsung aja deh ya J

UAS semester II berakhir, otak gue itu udah punya banyak rencana lah tentang liburan dan hal menarik apa yang bakalan gue lakuin selama liburan. Gue udah tata baik-baik tuh rencana, kalo kata dosen manajemen gue sesuai lah dengan POAC (gue masih inget banget nih), Planing Organising Action sama Controlling. Kalo disuruh dianalisa planing gue itu udah sampai tahap Action lah yaaaa, karena 80%  PO-nya udah bagus beut dah jangan ditanye !

Oke Minggu pertama liburan gue kasih cap “LAMPU HIJAU” tanpa traffic jam dan tanpa lampu merah dimana-mana...gue fun 5hari perjalanan wisata gue ke Kota Jogja, bahkan amat sangat begitu FUN banget sekali :D :D, walaupun gue gakbisa ikut tafakur alam di Puncak, gakpapa deh demi menjaga kestabilitasan kesehatan gue, karena gue gakmau kalo pilih dua-duanya badan malah jadi drop banget, oke ogah dan YAP terbukti planing itu MULUS.

Pulang dari Jogja, ini masih di kereta ekonomi Indonesia ye, masih dalam perjalanan ke Jakarta lah, gue masih FUN dengan membayangkan akan banyak karya sebuah tulisan akan gue tulis di BLOG gue tentang inspirasi yang unik dari pengalaman perjalanan gue itu.

Pas sampe rumah, FUN gue agak sedikit berkurang karena Bokap marah-marah, unwelcomed pas gue dateng kerumah, oke karena gue capek gue cuekin aje, badai pasti berlalu (benak gue). Beuhhhh gue langsung jatohin badan gue ke kasur dengan enaknya, tiba-tiba gue lihat jam “wah pukul 12 siang”. Sebenernya gue masih ngantuk tapi karena ada temen kampus gue yang nginep dirumah gue, gue bangun buat anterin dia ke terminal pulang ke kostan, okelah setidaknya tidur bisa gue lanjutin besok, rasanya dari pukul 5 pagi sampe 12 siang itu gak cukup banget waktu buat tidur...

Besoknya dirumah gue dengan girangnya nanya planing yang gue garap dan gue harap nyokap setuju secepatnya. Dengan pedenya gue bilang, “Mah, hari senin ke RS. Cipto yah, mumpung dokternya ada tuhhh”....JENG JENG JENG JENG,,,,

Yap salah satu planing gue, gue Cuma pengen operasi laser muka gue gara2 kecelakaan motor, yang memang senin pas mau operasi bulan april kemarin ditunda karena dokternya gak ada dan sistem manajemennya lagi gak bener gituuuu. Dan gue harap sih nyokap bisa langsung setuju supaya hari senin pas gue pulang dari Jogja gue bisa langsung operasi....

JENG JENG JENG, gue gak nyangka nyokap jawabnya simpel, “Mama lagi banyak pengeluaran nih mungkin bisanya bulan juni ya”.. dalem hati gue tereak sejadi-jadinya WHATTHEHELL mah !!!!! Mamaku tersayang, aku gakbisa kalo planing yang udah aku tata baik-baik terus mama hancurin gitu aja..gakbisa mah..gakbisa !!!! Gue sempet kesel dan berfikir selama ini gue nyantai aja, karena yang gue tau tuh uang kan disimpen di tabungan gue kenapa mesti bilang NO BUDGET.. ah gue kesel banget saat itu.

Tapi gakboleh, gue harus berfikir dewasa dan bijak...akhirnya gue mikir gini, HUFT, walaupun masih kesel tapi buat apa sih gue paksa nyokap buat biayain gue, gue gaktau malau banget udah gede masih aja nyusahin orang tua ditambah mengeluh dengan keadaannya lagi, sungguh berdosanya gue...gue langsung nyebut astagfirullahaldzim..

Hari pun kian berganti menjadi 5 hari sesudah kejadian itu dan 5 hari gue jalanin keganjalan dan kehancuran planing gue....hati gue pun menjerit dalam sangkar redup suara, dia teriak TETEP AJA GUE GAKBISA !!! GUE GAK BISA !!! GAK SANGGUP BENERAN !!, tapi suara itu begitu samar oleh telinga orang lain tetapi sangat terasa jika dirasakan dengan penuh perasaan...

Jujur gue gakbisa dan bener-bener gak sanggup, kalo udah menjadi planing yang gue tata sangat baik sesuai dg POAC, tapi tiba-tiba ada yang menghancurkan, otomatis hal itu akan menghambat semua-muanya sistem otak dan perasaan gue gak mengalir dan merubah menjadi energi positif atau semangat positif......Gue jadi males nulis, males keluar rumah, males ngapa-ngapain dan gue bener-bener gak bersemangat.... !!!!

Aku cuma bisa berdoa, berharap dan terus berusaha supaya akan ada keajaiban yang terjadi dengan semua problematika yang gue hadapi..Harapan gue cuma pengen sembuh dan punya muka mulus kaya orang-orang..masih banyak cita-cita gue yang akan gue raih lewat muka yang mulus....gue cuma mau pengen semangat gue balik lagi, ceria gue balik lagi dengan muka gue yang seperti dulu...gue pengen meraih kesuksesan dengan muka yang selayaknya orang melihat aku sehat. Cantik dan tidak cacat....Mama aku Cuma pengen kaya orang dan cewek-cewek cantik diluar sana..aku pengen banget bisa punya muka tanpa goresan luka bak preman kriminal yang seram...Wahai para pendengar yang baik, dengarkanlah tangisanku yang keluar dari dalam hatiku dan mengalir deras di pipiku..SEKIAN J

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Forgotten Tour and Precious Experience in Flower City

Assalammualaikum wr. wb...
Hello ladies and gentleman, right now I wanna tell you about a little thing precious expreience that I got in Bandung City. This is also as my english assignment, who my lecturer “Ms. Rina Kurniawati” asked me to make some report all about my journey tour in Bandung City.

Alright ladies and gentleman, let see this report --->

Bandung, City of Flowers, is the provincial capital of West Java and Indonesia' s third largest city. Known in colonial times as the Paris of Java because of its European ambiance and sophistication, Bandung shares with Miami a fine legacy of Tropical Deco architecture dating from the 1920's.

Bandung an indulging shopping heaven surrounded by highlands and plantations with extremely cheap high quality fashion and textiles, plus distinctive artworks and friendliness of beautiful local people.

Reason to go to Bandung City

So I'm not sure where Bandung is, but it must be somewhere in Thailand”…this capped off a wealth of ignorance over a city that was once destined to be the capital of the Netherlands Indies, a city which also due to its mild climate and fashionable buildings and shops was known as the “Paris of Java”, a city which is now forgotten by the west but has a wealth of touristic opportunities.
Its indeed more than well known by the locals. On weekends and public holidays, the usual population of around two million swells with an influx of visitors from Jakarta and other major Indonesian cities. They come to take advantage of the milder climate, just as the Dutch did for several hundred years during those “colonial” times.
First day : Our journey start from STP Sahid campuss then we are going to Museum Asia Afrika, and then we are going to sightseeing during 1,5 hours and our lecturer “Mr. Gita” talked all about Bandung City, then the last destination tourist attraction we are going to Saung angklung udjo, then we are going to stay in Hotel Pendawa.

Museum Asia Africa

Museum Museum of Asian-African Conference (KAA) or Building Independence is the Museum of Political History of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia is located at the Merdeka Building in Bandung. Building used as a museum exhibit space layout was built in 1940 by architect AF Aalbers Moderism architectural style with Art Deco Influences. While Freedom House, built for the first time in 1895 and subsequently in a row in 1920 and 1928 the building was renovated to become the building in its present form. This building was designed by Dutch architect named two Gallen VAN LAST and CP. WOLFT Schoemaker, Professor at Hogeschool Techniche or ITB now. In this building the Asian-African Conference held on 18 to 24 April 1955.

My lecturer talked about Bandung City as a Guide

Bandung's usually chaotic traffic becomes further amplified with the Jakarta “B” number plates. But traffic jams, potholed roads, can add to the charm of Bandung. Getting there can take a long time, but it gives an excellent opportunity to take in those tree lined streets and still in tact Dutch designed buildings. There are some magnificent structures still in tact…..Art Deco at its grandest in the Savoy Homan and Preanger Hotels.
In Bandung has historical hotel the name is Hotel Svoy. Some of the rooms are still originally furnished with 20's and 30's fittings. The moment one steps in the door of this building, it's a trip back in History. The old part of the Preanger is a living museum and the wood paneled parlor is almost unchanged since it was built in 1919, even a wind-up gramophone. In the “new” Preanger there's a delicious buffet lunch Mondays to Fridays with a different Indonesian style of food each day.
Then there's the “Braga”…..this was THE shopping street of Java back in the 20's and 30's. The place to see and be seen. Nowadays it's a bit run down, but look inside the buildings and you'll see some of the original marble floors and decorative walls tiles, even some pretty mosaics. There's an interesting second hand shop, with lots of curiosities. I spotted a decorative old Philips radiogram, lots of old Dutch paintings (alas no Rembrandts), what the owner says are Ming Dynasty pieces, antique pistols, plenty of clocks and even reading glasses. One can spend an hour or so looking at this place alone.
In place of the fashionable boutiques, they sell some rather kitchy, but colorful paintings and hand painted post cards. You can always haggle down the price and take home and original piece of Indonesian art. I like the Braga and having been there one more than once occasion discover something new each time.
But if its modern you want, then its modern you'll get. Bandung has four large shopping Malls and more are being built and planned. There's the BSM or Bandung Super Mall. Its “huge” and said to be one of the largest in Asia. Not only a wide range of clothing shops, but an indoor fun fair complete with roller coaster. Istana Plaza is more middle of the road, and has an ice skating rink. The BTC or Bandung Trade centre would be the best place for clothes bargains, and its food court with scrumptious Indonesian dishes is a must for every visitor. Electronics are to be found at the BEC or Bandung Electronic's Centre. Duty Free? Well prices here in my opinion are surely lower than your favorite international airport shopping centre…from computer hardware and software to hand phones. BEC also has a nice food court with not only Indonesian food, but also French fare, and a coffee shop. At lunch and dinner time there's live music in the restaurant.
There are lots of interesting places to visit….nearby hot springs, volcanoes, a city zoo, or just tour the Braga and shop in the Jeans street.
You'll not be disappointed. The smiles are genuine here.

Saung Angklung Udjo

Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) has held top notifceable among the domestic international vacationers for sundanese strong-character perfomances for so many years.

Overriding all the indulgences of the performances in SAU is the mega-magnetisim.

Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) has held top notifceable among the domestic international vacationers for sundanese strong-character perfomances for so many years.

Overriding all the indulgences of the performances in SAU is the mega-magnetisim.
Internal Perfomance

Afternoon Bamboo Show

The show is packed with several spectacular short-perfomances, contains : Wayang GOlek demonstration, Helaran procession, Tradional Dances and Angklung for beginner, 
Angklung orchestra, Angklung interactive to Arumba.
At the and of the show, the visitors are asked to join the ferforming children to dance together. Adding to the show is enclosed with a massive Sundanese atmosphere.

External Perfomances

Offer an interractive Angklung perfomance along with the audience, the harmony sound of Angklung will all be heard playing popular songs.

Within this package are Iwung and Angklung orchestra.
Angklung orchestra could be very emotional since it passes the philosophy or Angklung as an integrity tool that raises the patriotic spirit.


The experience to the most vibrant and cheerful bamboo show Kaulinan Urang Lembur at your requested place-and that would be Gombong package all about.

it is a new innovative-responsible form an invenssive bamboo musical instrument-plays several genres of music from traditional, classic to contemporary through the
diatonic tone scale.
Second day : Our journey start Hotel Pendawa, we had breakfast at 07.00am and check out at 0730 am then we are going to Tangkuban Perahu Mountain and then we are going to then we spent our money in Chiampelas Walk Bandung City, we arrive on 12.00pm.

Tangkuban Perahu Mountain

Mt. Tangkuban Perahu is Bandung's most well-known nature attraction. Just north of the city, this active volcano offers many places to see and explore. Whether you look into the huge crater or hike down into it, stroll through the forests on its slopes, or simply enjoy the splendid panoramic view, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu is a must destination for everyone in the Bandung area.
When seen from Bandung, Mt. Tangkuban perahu has a distinctive shape that of a boat turned upside down. Tangkuban Perahu means, in fact, "up-turned boat". This peculiar shape has stimulated the fantasy of the Sundanese people from early times.

Though the mountain appears peaceful, mild eruptions occurred in 1969, when Kawah Ratu spewed ash and barrages of rock 500 m high. As recently as September 1992 it was closed to the public for a few days because unusually high seismic activity led volcanologists to fear a new eruption. On the mountain's northern flank is an area called Death Valley, so named for its frequent accumulation of poisonous gases.

Ciampelas Walk Shopping Centre

Cihampelas Walk is a different area, beautiful and clean it was conditioned visitors to be more comfortable shopping. A walk in Cihampelas at noon, afternoon, and night will feel different atmosphere. Lights from each outlet and the main building at night to build a different atmosphere, not to mention the cascade and loops hanging lights on trees around out door Cihampelas Walk.

Jumat, 27 April 2012

A Famous Fashioned Designer was Robbed at PIM

Last night at 10 pm a devastating robbey took place at PIM of a young famous 25 years old fashioned designer who designed mostly wedding dress. Her name is Miss Kurniawati. She live near in PIM exactly in Jakarta. She went to PIM for small with her friend arround 8 o’clock. They had dinner at Sushi Tee Restaurant. She had small discussion talked about her friend wedding plan. They finished discussion around 10 pm. They separated and go their own car. But the young famous designeer went to ATM to take some cash.

“Suddenly two big man and his late 30’s, they are wearing a neat tidy, white shirt with black pants, fair skin which appeared to be a chinese man and looks like executive man not a criminal,” she described. 

”I felt shocked, afraid and surprised because it was the first time I got robbed and I lost 16 million rupiahs” she continued.

The robbers pointed a knife to the young famous fashion designer but fortunately she did not get hurt by the robbers. After the robbers take the money and her jewelry they walked away. Then the young famous fashion designer reported to the security which was about ten meters from the ATM, and they went to police office to report the accident, so the police can handle the case and she went home accompanied by policeman. She took her car the next day with a duplicate key because the robbers took the key but not the car. And the new key car is in the process to change.

Kamis, 26 April 2012

Rainbow Houses is Boarding Houses for Student Institute of STP Sahid

Hello everyone J
If you are moeslem I wanna regards you Assalammualaikum wr.wb.. How are you all?

Be to the point, I just wanna posting about my boarding house. I also wanna promotion my boarding house because my lecturer ask me to make some assignment overall about my boarding house.

A boarding house, is a house (often a family home) in which lodgers rent one or more rooms for one or more nights, and sometimes for extended periods of weeks, months and years. The common parts of the house are maintained, and some services, such as laundry and cleaning, may be supplied. They normally provide "bed and board", that is, at least some meals as well as accommodation. A "lodging house", also known in the United States that applied in Indonesia as a "rooming house", may or may not offer meals. Lodgers legally only obtain a licence to use their rooms, and not exclusive possession, so the landlord retains the right of access.

Many of the boarders were colorful characters, making for an interesting mixture of cultures and backgrounds. During the height of the boarding house era, tenants tended to stay for months or even years, becoming part of an extended 'family' of sorts. As boarders moved on to other towns, others moved in to take their place.

The rooms of many boarding houses are spacious enough for a single person's needs, even if bathroom facilities may have to be shared or privacy is limited. Some boarding houses now provide private bathrooms for boarders and better insulation between rooms for a sense of privacy. The beds in boarding houses may have once served as the beds for the owner's family members, so they should be reasonably comfortable and clean.

Introduction and Speciality
Alright the first time, Introduction my boarding house, this building can called “Rainbow house” because why this building has so many rooms that colorfull. This building is designed with style in a colorful show full of youth who are active, cheerfuland self-motivated in achieving goals. Rainbow house consists of three floors and has 24 rooms total rooms. Uniquely, this building has a different color on each floor rooms. Ineach room was designed with a different design shapes such as circles, squares, grafity, blue dolphin, pyramid, rose and other flower. The design was the play of colorcombinations to create the effect of comfort and aesthetic beauty.

Rainbow is a boarding house that rent house room to the public, especially for student isntitute of  STP Sahid. Because why the location of the rainbow house is near to go to campus  STP Sahid. This makes boarding house rooms are occupied by students institute of STPSahid no one else besides that. Boarding house is known as a base camp especially for student institute of STP Sahid.
Location and Accessbility
The location of Rainbow House is very isolated and exactly the locateion in the front campus of the STP Sahid Pondok Cabe Tangerang Selatan. Protrudes to the left a bit, you will see a small alley which is fitted to a single car entry. Navigate the streets in the alley, there is only one destination path. Just follow this path and found the narrow road that wasclogged, there will have the option narrow alley to the right or left? Narrow alley to the leftis where the location is right in the Rainbow House. Guys, if you want to know exactlywhere the location of this house on Jalan rainbow .... (bla.. Blah).

Public Facilities

I will explain the advantages and facilities at the Rainbow House is generally the exteriorof the building. The uniqueness of the building other than a full-color wall colors arebeautiful like a rainbow, make the whole population living on the Rainbow comfortablehouse to live there. The facilities in the small kitchen is provided with, any person mayuse a small kitchen for cooking of course the Rainbow House occupant who occupies it.The small kitchen is also equipped with a sink sink, gas stove, cooking equipment,small gas is already available as well. Other facilities outside of the building house the Rainbow Room availability of large bins in each room, where clothes hang in every roomare also located in every corner of the wall of the Rainbow House building. In addition, the facilities to make your own comfortable home like the availability of bike parking spaces large enough and the bale-bale seating along the righteous adorned the frontroom with a back room. And for now Rainbow house is being built on the third floorlaundry place, for the sake of convenience in service support of the owner to boarders.Rainbow house laundry services in order to facilitate the boarders in the care of clothingand do not bother because there are responsible for providing laundry services forboarders.

Room Facilities

Next, I will explain about the room facilities that offered in the room of Rainbow House. Ladies and gentleman, please know, the uniques of the motifs and colors in each room in the Rainbow House is different and so interesting. I’m included the purple room as the boarders on the third floor is approx 3x4 meters and each room is different for  extent. Facilities that acquired when renting this room, its superiority compared with the other boarding houses is the bathroom and the bathroom looked very comfortable because the design is very elegant and unique as possible and colorful too. In addition to the bathroom, the otherfacilities that will get the rainbow cabinet, small table, large desk, bookshelves, and a mattress outlet. The price offered by the owner of the Rainbow for a boarding house with one bedroom residence,  The owner gave the price of IDR 450,000, - (including  electricity, public facilities and amenities in room area). But if two people living in one room will be charged IDR 575.000, - (including electricity, facilities outside the room for theindividual's room facilities will also get an extra single bed).

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